Precious Land
This show garden, 'Precious Land', was exhibited at the 2018 Singapore Garden Festival. A biennial event where top designers from around the world are invited to participate, the show is held in the world famous 'Gardens By The Bay'. ‘Precious Land’ featured in the 'Fantasy Garden' category, where the gardens are displayed inside a blacked out tent. The garden was awarded a Gold Medal and ‘Best Indoor Lighting Design’.
An island, planted with diverse tropical vegetation, including rare Singaporean plants and a beautiful mature tree, represented the island of Singapore and its inhabitants. A dramatic visual effect was achieved with dark, ominous water surrounding the island and a brilliant sun lighting the garden from behind, bathing it in a vivid glow. These were symbolic of a warming climate and the threat of rising sea levels.
As a low-lying island, global changes due to climate change pose an immediate threat to Singapore. By the year 2100 the average sea level off the coast of Singapore could have increased by up to one metre, while Singapore’s average temperature is projected to rise by 2.7 to 4.2 °C. According to the worst possible projection, sea levels could rise by more than six meters by the year 2500. Water, an essential part of life, could bring disaster within this century and beyond.
Singapore is actively battling climate change; its lush vegetation, in particular its nature reserves and nature areas such as mangrove swamps and trees in urban zones, continues to offer various ecosystem services including carbon storage and sequestration, helping to mitigate the impacts of climate change. Conservation programs, including habitat enhancement and coastal protection, will help to preserve the island’s rich flora and fauna and lead to climate-resilient ecosystems. Raised awareness and strategic planning will help to safeguard Singapore for future generations.